Saving Money Tips & Trends
There are few things as comforting as having money in the bank. Unexpected costs can pop up at any time and that money that is held in reserve will, many…
The Perks of Financial Advising
Here at 3D Advisors we’ve always prided ourselves on brining superior service and products to our clients. We believe the nothing will help our customers plan for the future better…
New Tax Laws
Changes to the tax law made in 2017 are now in effect and the tax season is in full swing. With all the media attention and speculation, few people know…
Why Become A Financial Advisor?
Every career field has its uncertainty. As the economy ebbs and flows so to do many jobs. Deciding to become an investment and insurance advisor can seem like a particularly…
Financial Advising – Protect Your Reputation
The insurance and investing world has a great deal to offer clients. Annuities, life insurance and linked benefits policies are a few ways we advisors can aid individuals looking to…
Spending Habits and How to Plan for the Future
As the active member of a thriving brokerage, a financial planner, insurance agent or even an annuity advisor, you have the power to help people plan for the future with…
How to Handle Negative Feedback and Unhappy Clients
You’ve lined up the perfect clients, given them all the education about the products you sell, you answered questions and you’ve made a good sale—something you’ve done a hundred times…
The Secret to Client Retention
In order to be a good insurance broker, you must know your product and bring in clients. In order to be a great broker, you need to keep your clients.…
When Life Insurance Pays Off (Part 2 of 2)
As mentioned in our earlier blog, when planning for retirement an IRA is an excellent choice. When making the maximum, tax deductible, annual contribution an IRA can pay off with…
When Life Insurance Pays Off (Part 1 of 2)
When thinking of long term financial security saving options like 401k’s and IRA’s are the most popular forms of saving money for retirement. After all, these types of accounts are…