Saving Money Tips & Trends
There are few things as comforting as having money in the bank. Unexpected costs can pop up at any time and that money that is held in reserve will, many…
The Secret to Client Retention
In order to be a good insurance broker, you must know your product and bring in clients. In order to be a great broker, you need to keep your clients.…
When Life Insurance Pays Off (Part 2 of 2)
As mentioned in our earlier blog, when planning for retirement an IRA is an excellent choice. When making the maximum, tax deductible, annual contribution an IRA can pay off with…
When Life Insurance Pays Off (Part 1 of 2)
When thinking of long term financial security saving options like 401k’s and IRA’s are the most popular forms of saving money for retirement. After all, these types of accounts are…
Policy Evaluation Program (PEP) – Life Insurance Industry
In the last decade the life insurance industry has undergone a transformation. Lower mortality charges and cost efficiencies have created new life insurance products that may provide a greater value…
Life Insurance Policy Made Simple
You realize the importance of life insurance and the value of the financial protection it provides. When you purchased your term life insurance policy, you took the important step of…
It’s all about Peace of Mind – Life Insurance Death Benefit
It’s the feeling you have when you know that no matter what happens to you, your family will be taken care of. Are you covered? If someone depends on you financially, chances…
30 Reasons To Own Permanent Life Insurance Instead of Term
30 Reasons To Own Permanent Life Insurance Instead of Term To Meet Consumer Preferences – Many consumers want some amount of life insurance in place when they die. Using the…